Feedback stories on healing work

All identities remain hidden, of course.

#1 Woman, age 75

After struggling for many years with health issues she walks into my practice looking rather greyish. I don't refer to the beautiful colour of here hear, which by the way is nearly silver, but I refer to the colour a person radiates through the auric field. Her energy levels were clearly very low and her physical body expressed this stage to her through feelings of pain and discomfort.

Medical examens couldn't show anything wrong in the physical body. Hence why, she had decided to start energetic bodywork in combination with counselling teachings.

In the first counselling session it was crystal clear she couldn't speak out here stuck emotions. No use forcing anything I decided to focus more on the bodywork first. Loads of heaviness and some first blockages could be removed as she herself was very determined to allow all the work needed. I provide her with some affirmation-meditation work, for her to do random in between sessions, which helps the energy field of the person to loosen up, for allowing the healing energy work in is an important aspect of the therapy and can only be done by the client.

Over the many weeks of devoted work, this lady is feeling incredibly stronger already. She no longer struggles with walking. She feels lighter, less burdened and she even mustered up the courage again to drive the car herself. All improvement is clearly doing her well and she is very determined to continue this work for she desires nothing more than to, one day, help others this way herself.

#2 Woman, age 35

During here stay in the Mazarrón bay this woman, mother of 35, came to see me. She had booked a short holiday to recover from her burn-out and looked deeply sad and in a lot of pain upon arrival. During her one time session with me the energy started to flow immediately. Loads of heaviness was cleared and at some point I was drawn towards a spot on her belly. This spot felt very heavy for me so I knew something severe was going on inside. Gradually I work towards the area and she started to reveal she always has had pain there, since giving birth, and suffered severe digestive problems. She allowed me to work in through and the entire blockage could be released. It was a heavy moment for her as she remembered the pain and fear she had gone through during the very problematic delivery. All energies of the wound and the fear were still active within her body.

Two days later, right before her journey home, I got the opportunity to see her to say goodbye. She looked radiant and smiled happily saying she felt so relieved and no longer felt the pain.

#3 Woman, age 34

This woman was send to me through her friend and didn't know anything about energetic bodywork. But regardless she wanted to experience this since she was feeling down and low for such a long time. Anything that helps is worth trying, were her thoughts.

During her sessions a big energy blockage revealed itself instantly in the area of her stomach. As she allowed me to work it through all issues related started to flow. For several years now she seemed to have lost the connection with her husband. He works so hard and I take care of our four children, say reveals crying. We were such good couple and we used to talk everything through for hours, she added. This was no longer the case due to life changes. Not speaking her mind and supressing her emotions by avoiding conversation in order to avoid arguments, had created a big lump of energy blocked in her stomach. As the energy started to flow, she felt so relieved she decided for herself to call her husband to sit down for a good conversation, which she did.

#4 Man, age 64

As a retired therapist he exclaimed he finally wanted to work on himself. He had been giving it his all throughout his life and career and felt it high time to seek the help he desperately needs to clear his own energy field.

Being this ready to do the work, during each following session heavy loads of stagnant old energies immediately started to flow and he happily shared how his life shifted from always feeling lazy and tired, never wanting to go or do anything, to being up and about in the mornings, active and joyful again and feeling much lighter than ever before.

On top of all the good feelings he recently shared no longer needing long term medication for high blood pressure. Simply because there's no more need to take these tablets, he added, my blood pressure is just perfect again since I'm having this work done. Such a blessing!

#5 Woman, age 58

Reluctantly she comes to see me. I am having long term issues with my shoulder, she explains, and I have had several infiltration already, but I don't want these no more. I can barely use the arm and suffer terrible pains.

The session begins and at first she can share she's a bit scared because my attention wasn't immediately directed to her shoulder. I explain there must be a reason why I'm first directed towards the lower belly instead. So the answers is been given. She suffers problems in both uterus and ovaries. After lifting the heaviness of old stagnant energies the focus turns towards the shoulder.

Two days later she insists on thanking me and explains how she feels so much lighter and alleviated from discomfort. The shoulder isn't totally healed after that one session, but as soon as she's back in the region, she will continue the work, she exclaimed.

#6 Woman, age 44

This woman had energy work done in the past and after several sessions with me she shared how different the experiences were. The topics of her experienced blockages, not being able to grief over the passing of her mother, many years ago, and not allowing herself to feel the anger and unfairness of past traumatic situations, one by one revealed themselves. Once the hidden topics are open in the conscious mind, the energy can flow anew and healing occurs in these painful yet dormant wound. After dealing with these topics the woman felt so relieved and grateful exclaiming "why have I been carrying this for so long!?"

#7 Woman, age 64

(At the time of the first lockdown.) As so many, she too was literally paralysed by the fear of becoming infected, or worse, dying. Barely able to speak or function in daily life I met with her and worked on releasing the frozen, blocked energy flow. She was so ready to release layers of fear, she started shaking, crying as I held her in my arms. Her husband then admitted she was in that state for way too long and he didn't know what to say or do anymore. After the clearing of this blocking cloud of fear, I continued to work with them and gave them both tools to avoid this stage in the future. Tears of gratitude from both showed their appreciation. More than a year later, as I saw them in the street, she thanked me again and shared she had never again felt that level of fear, for she had learned how to not give in to it. Blessed!

#8 Woman, age 62

At the time of helping she had lost her husband 3 years ago. Without him life had become a heavy burden. His absence weighed her down so much so she didn't want to live no more. She wanted to be with him and dressed herself with some of his clothes and jewellery every morning.

All her doing and saying was impregnated with his presence. Right from the start I felt a very strong presence of her deceased husband. Gradually I started not only to feel him, but also to hear what he wanted me to say to her. This fairly new ability, at the time, had me confused. Should I really say what he wants me to say? Or, should I just keep working? In a special following moment, it all became very clear. I was urged to share his actual presence in the room and speak his words. The woman was startled and so happy at the same time. "I knew I met you for a reason" she proclaimed. It was a very emotional moment and the next day she shared all details about her magical, multidimensional, experience with him that night. She finally got to say goodbye and managed to release him so he could finally move on to the other dimension. Both, her and her husband, expressed in each their specific way, their gratitude. In this special story I was consciously aware of the healing dynamic that both Souls, in form and non-form, experienced. I lack the (human) words to express my deepest feeling of gratitude here.

All healing stories take their time. The time which is needed for the person to reach a healed stage. 

The pace, the speed, is of no importance. It is what YOU are willing to do for yourself that is of PRIMOR importance.

Only when you are willing to do the inner work, shall healing occur !