#9 Seeing the bigger picture

As we move through life we tend to forget to pause and evaluate the results of our doing. Often too late are we stopped in our routine tracks by a disease, an incident or accident. Only then are we willing to look back. Unfortunately mostly with a blaming finger to point at something or someone.

Ask yourself, "What is my personal contribution to this unpleasant situation?"

To have a honest and truthful answer we need to acknowledge that every action has an equal and opposite reaction in the energy. In other words, you reap what you saw. Every outcome is an effect, a result, in the energy caused by something you did or didn't do, something you said or didn't say. Behind every thought, move or word hides an intention within your personal Human Energy Field. Finding out more about your intrinsic, often unconscious, intentions will lead you to the answers you're looking for when you wonder "Why?".

Whatever is showing up for you in your daily experience, the people and situations you come across, they all are there to guide you. Only when you start to look at these experiences as communications from a Higher Guidance, will you gradually learn how to read them. Remember, Divine Energy doesn't need human words. Divine Energy doesn't lie. Divine Energy doesn't express politely or mildly. Divine Energy communicates direct, truthful, instant and beyond the five sensory perception of your lower-body-mind-experience. If you want to hear/feel/understand it, you need to choose to listen.

And when you finally do make that choice, you will be guided in ways beyond your comprehension at this point. You will be learning that making time to stop, breath and pause, to look back on your recent tracks to evaluate your doing is a very important thing to do, always!

Are your actions steering you in the right direction?

When you have a clear vision of what you are, you can start to steer who you are, the person, in the right direction. All is part of a bigger picture. All your experiences are your lessons. The good as well as the bad. They are the signals and signposts of what You, the Higher You, want or not. That is what is showing you, the Lower parts, the way forward. Looking back you'll see where you took a wrong turn or not. Waiting too long to evaluate can lead to living a life you initially never wanted, missing out on everything you've ever dreamed of.

When the initial Soul-plan is in a certain direction and you're missing out, at one point, life will through you out of balance. So much so that you will be forced to stop and to take that reflective look. If again, stubborn, you don't want to give in to your old conditioned patterns, the next through out of balance will be stronger and heavier. Time and again, until you are ready to listen.

Yes human, you have free will. But only up to a certain point. Your Soul-plan is there. It's what You decided to come here to do. However painful your experiences have been, or still are, know one thing for sure; they're trying to tell you something. It's up to you to listen.