#8 - Looking for Love

Rather than asking yourself what type of partner you'd like next, ask yourself "Where am I looking for Love?".

Disconnected from the Higher Self you walk through life numb and sedated. Unaware of your true abilities and power you're continuously thinking. This mind process is an ongoing stream of thoughts on the level of the lower-Self, the parts of you which we call the person, the individual. This part is also called the Ego-Self.

The majority of humans live in this level totally disconnected from their Higher Parts, meaning one lives in the duality of lower level energy awareness not even realising there is a higher level.

And stuck in this lower level of life on Earth, all are looking for Love.

In search for the right partner people meet, go on dates, join dating sites. In some cases the account is created by a friend or loved one who really cares and hopes you to find this new partner asap.

When the new partner is found all is well again… for a while. Unfortunately this never lasts. Whether after some months or years, at one point the old patterns resurface and the relationship withers or breaks. Lonely you think you've got it now, you start dating again, looking for Love in the same level of awareness.

As long as you keep repeating the pattern, without ever asking yourself "What is this telling me?", you will continue to suffer unsatisfying relationships and break ups. Over time the pain and suffering only gets worse until you finally start wondering what it is you are doing wrong.

The answer is simple, you are looking for Love in the wrong places.

Ask yourself,

  • Why are you looking for Love outside of yourself?
  • What is it (you think) this other person could give to you that (you think) you cannot give to yourself?
  • Where do you think True Love comes from?

To find the answers to these questions, first, you need to learn and acknowledge that Love isn't a thing. All is Energy, remember. You are Energy. I am Energy. All people, animals, plants are Energy. All words, actions, gestures, moves, intentions, etc. are Energy. But let's stick with the topic Love and Humans.

He who looks for Love outside of himself, lacks Love in his own Heart.

Male or female, you cannot find Love, you can only BECOME it.

The Energy of Love is the Highest Frequency vibration in the Universal Energy Field. If you personally lack Love, then it's up to you to create it WITHIN you. Not any other person (nor animal, as in a pet) can give you the Love you need to cultivate for the Self. Others can help, they can show you a way, but creating the vibration of Love in your Heart can only be done by You.

It's never too late to start opening your Heart and healing your inner wounds so to make space for this High Vibrational Frequency of Love and to let it enter your Human Energy Field. Let it enter and flow through your person, your personality, your individuality.

Once your vessel (your lower human body and mind) is cleared and cleansed and overflowing with LOVE, you won't be looking for it, for then you ARE it.

You'll enjoy being, doing, living and loving as a Human on this Planet from a Higher Level of Awareness, together with all others who have done their INNER work.

Together we create a New Matrix of existence, a world created from the level of LOVE.

Let's ALL Do Our Share.

Let's ALL Contribute Our Part.

Become it.