#7 - To have or To Be

Most people are rational thinking humans who are convinced all things in life need to be explained through logical reasoning and proof. If a topic of conversation cannot be explained, it needs to be regarded as untruth, a lie or a false statement. The rational thinker needs physical evidence and likes to call on scientific proof. If no such acceptable proof can be provided, the reality of a topic is disregarded.

But how does the rational thinker look at things? From what level of consciousness is the observed being observed? How clouded is the perception? How restricted the conclusions?

The answer is simply hidden in the being rational. Functioning at a rational level of thinking means you refuse to open up to new possible experiences perceived on a level beyond the perception of the five senses known to men; smell, taste, hearing, seeing and feeling. Therefore, what isn't perceived isn't real, is the conclusion. What cannot be registered in the physical world (the lower denser level of the ego world) through the physical science (the ditto ego science), is therefore non-existent.

This way of experiencing life is very restricted. It is a normal and typical ego-thinking mind pattern and only if curiosity is sufficiently triggered, or when life's circumstances have pushed you to the edge, is one ready to open up and explore more.

Is there more?

Yes! Absolutely! There is so much more. Far more than the average human dares to admit. Why do I use the word 'dare'? Because most people are genuinely scared about the unknown. It is indeed a scary thought to acknowledge for example that you're never actually alone, or that we are all in fact capable of doing much more through the innate power of Spirit. What does it all mean?

First of all it means one has to be ready to learn about it and that, for starters, implies you need to be open. It requires stepping over the threshold of fear, stepping out of one's comfort zone.

When I first started to go deeper in my transformational process, I too was reluctant and felt how fear got the better of me. My curiosity however was bigger, so I prudently advanced into the big unknow persuading myself all is well. Thanks to all my personal multidimensional experiences, way beyond the five classic sensory perception, I am still here today. These experiences are my proof! My lab is my life, my existence, for I am still here, I am healed, I am stronger and I am open to speak and write about it.

And what made it all possible is a big change in perception. Rather than looking at myself as the person who I thought I was, having a body, having eyes and ears, having a life, a job, kids and so on. I started to look at myself as 'what' I am. I am this living field of energy, experiencing through the body, the thoughts, the relationships, the work, the food, etc.

Yes, you ARE that which gives life to its body, you are that which is seeing the world around you, you are that which is hearing the sounds, which is tasting the food and feeling the elements, water, wind, fire, etc. Stop for a moment and feel… Be still and realise you are the body, you are the eyes, you are the ears, the mouth, tong, tastebuds, skin, heart, ... No, you don't have it. You ARE it. A big difference in perception with a huge added value for the healing process!

Only from this new way of perceiving ourselves and our environment can we grow into a new and higher level of awareness. Stubborn, stuck and scared in the rational thinking mind of the ego, one cannot perceive the wonderful magic of both the visible and the invisible through the energy you actually are.

A beautiful place to begin, is to test and play with the idea that everything you see, hear, feal, eat, say or do, IS YOU. That is what is meant by the call – the mantra of Divine Truth – "I AM".

No, this quote "I AM", is not a religion, nor is it a cult or hype as I recently heard someone utter. Every individual who has become more aware, more conscious of its nature and origin calls to the "I AM" to centre its presence and align with its Source, recognising to be a part of the Whole.

Such an individual is no longer a rational thinker functioning solely on the level of the five sense. This individual is a multidimensional human being, functioning on the level of its Human Energy Field, knowing there is more.

It is your choice to open up and become the observer of your reality. It is your choice to become more aware and discover a New World.

Care to join me?