#6 - Water too hot
When the water in your shower is too hot, what do you do? Do you get in? No, you don't!
When the water of your shower turns too cold, what do you do? Do you stay in? No, you don't. You get out!
Only when the water feels good, do you enjoy your time in the shower. In other word,
Pleasant? You stay. Unpleasant? You go.
Before getting into the teaching-metaphor of the water, let's have a look at the descriptive meaning of both the word pleasant and unpleasant.
- Pleasant means, giving a sense of happy satisfaction or enjoyment.
- Unpleasant means, causing discomfort, unhappiness, or revulsion, disagreement.
Water is a form of Energy, yet, with other forms of Energy so many people do not respond in this natural way. Why not?
Unfortunately many of us haven't been taught to react correctly as they find themselves in unpleasant energies, places or situations. When the atmosphere, the energy, in a room, or with a certain person or in a group, isn't enjoyable at all, many of us have been taught to stay put, succumb and keep quiet.
As we've learned wrong, we practice wrong and in doing so, we hurt and damage ourselves, our entire energy field, including the physical body. Remember, the physical body is but the last stadium of what you are in total.
As we force ourselves to stay in negative, toxic, unpleasant surroundings (energies), we give away our personal power and fail to protect ourselves, our energy fields, from any such kind of damaging influence.
As an adult this lack of self-protection can take horrible forms later in life, in marriage, at work, with family or even with so called friends. All future type of relationships are prone to similar energy dynamics as long as you don't change your old conditioned pattern of allowing these unpleasant influences. The conditioning is exactly the cause of what is making you behave in the way you do. The unpleasant experiences are but the result of your own action, staying in the shower of these energies.
Learn to take back Your Power. To do so you need to face your habitual behaviour, learn and acknowledge where it is coming from and learn to adjust your ways as to no longer allow these unpleasant influences.
You can read and learn about what (rather than who) you truly are and discover how you can change, in my book, Our True Power.
For personal guidance on your path to Healing and Discovering, you can connect with me here.
Good Luck on Your Journey!