#5 - Healing affirmations
Wherever you are and whenever you can, reciting positive affirmations will start changing your energy frequency so you end up changing your life.
Remaining stuck in low frequencies is damaging to your health and well-being. The longing for happiness and good fortune will only grow bigger as long as YOU don't do anything about it.
Affirmations are a powerful tool! You might have heard this before, so why not try it?
To reprogram your conditioned ego mind pattern you need to exercise and train the lower mind to change frequency. By using affirmations this is made possible!
Cleans and clear your Human Energy Field of all lower vibrating frequencies that are keeping you from your so much desired changes and results.
From whatever place or state of mind you are in, at this particular moment in time, it all starts by reclaiming and owning your True Highest Value.
However difficult it might be for you at the beginning, remember, old rusty dirt doesn't come of immediately. It takes time and effort to soke and weaken. Once ready, it'll flush of. Same goes for our old incapsulated trauma energies and negative belief systems, they all need time to weaken gradually. And I for one can guarantee you, yes it is possible to heal them !
As you recite,
Mean it – Claim it – Become it.
When feeling down, low or depressed, claim (one of, or all) the following affirmations to help you change the frequency of your Human Energy Field to a Higher vibration. It might feel like a lie in the beginning, that's where you practise perseverance! If necessary, force yourself, scream and shout, let it all out! Yes, practise and train yourself until you FEEL it IS the TRUTH.
Start by writing the affirmation down by hand, on a piece of paper.
Carry that paper with you.
Recite (read) it as much as possible. Preferably out loud.
After a while you will know the affirmation by heart.
Continue until you don't need it no more…
Then, choose or make a new one according to that moment in time!
I love myself.
I am worthy.
I am healing.
I take loving care of myself.
I am grateful to be me and I am open to learn more about myself.
I am grateful to be here, right now, and I am grateful for all the good things that are coming to me from this day forward.
I deserve the best and therefore I am open to receive the best.
I allow the Energy to bring to me the change I need to heal myself.
Unlearning negative believes is difficult. The following affirmation text, a prayer if you like, is a powerful promise to yourself. Repeated over and over, you WILL become more aware of your personal needs, desires and attitudes throughout your daily life. Wherever any of the recited phrases don't feel right, your focused attention is needed the most.
I love myself and therefore I take good care of my beautiful body.
I love myself and therefore I provide in all the comfort at home.
I love myself and therefore I work in a job I truly enjoy doing.
I love myself and therefore I think and behave in a loving way to all people.
I love myself and therefore I forgive and totally release the past.
I love myself and therefore I live in the Now, experiencing every moment as good, knowing that my future is Bright and Joyous.
I love myself and therefore I thank the Universe to take care of me, now and forever more.
Namaste (or Amen)
As you find yourself in a moment of panic or distress, claim the following affirmation to pull you out of the frequency of fear. You will change the frequency of your Human Energy Field to a Higher vibration. The lower frequency will leave your Energy Field and you will start to feel more relaxed and confident. Reciting and claiming is calling on your Guidance (your angels, your guides) to help and support you.
All is well, all is good.
Everything is working out for my highest good.
Out of this experience only good is coming.
If you find yourself in a situation of lack. Whether it is about a lack of means to live comfortably, money, or a lack of help, needed support, love, or the courage to do something, use this next affirmation to claim that all what's needed is coming to you in abundance. Your situation of lack is caused by a fear-vibration in your Energy Field which is blocking you from receiving what you deserve. By reciting this affirmation you will free yourself from this blocking vibration and open up to allow the flow of Higher Quality Energy, linked to your needs, to come in.
I allow the Universe to bring to me my abundance.
Therefore I allow the Universe to change me so I can receive my abundance.
I choose to open myself to the support and the help I am been given.
I am grateful for all the abundance that is coming to me now.
A worrying mind is like a prison. Never free of worry life becomes grey and dark. Joy and Happiness seem utopian. Nothing can be further from the Truth! The worrying mind, too, is a mind blocked in a fear-vibration. This blockage can be lifted by firmly reciting the following affirmation.
(Please, use all words or only those which resonate with you at this point. If you struggle with 'religious' terminology – which are never meant in a religious way in my writings! – use the general term of the Universal Energy.)
I give all my worries to my Guides, my Angels, the Divine Energy.
I ask to clear my Energy Field from all lower vibrations of fear.
I open myself to receive Higher vibrations of Love.
I allow my Guides, my Angels, the Divine Energy, to bring to me feelings of Peace, Love and Tranquillity.
I thank my Guides, my Angels, the Divine Energy, for their support and protection.
The Universe is An Infinite Source of Love.
Whatever your struggle may be, there is always a way out.
The only thing you need to do is ask!
To start working with affirmations I was personally inspired in 2007 by the teachings and the documentary about the life and work of the late Louise Hay.