#3 - Feet on the ground

Is spirituality a floaty state of mind?

People who are stuck in the ego-thinking mind pattern easily judge and consider spiritual practitioners as floaters through life, unattached and unconcerned. To many these people are seen as weird. They practise silence, take time to meditate, talk to a Higher Guidance and so often refuse on imposed social regulations. To an ignorant outsider, all this seems ridiculous and far from realistic.

The ego-thinking individual claims himself not to float but rather stand firmly with both feet on the ground. My experience is that as long as we are trapped in this mind pattern, we do not stand with our feet on the ground, but we are stuck in a concrete bricked way of thinking. The most stubborn of ego-thinkers are the ones who like to even ridicule the others. Why?

Unfortunately this is a human trait. One who puts others down does so very simply to feel better about oneself. Alone, but preferably in a group, these type of people, then, feel stronger and superior. Anything an ego-thinking individual can't grasp with the head (and therefore, nor with the heart) has to be brought down and ridiculed. This trait gives the individual a false good feeling. The false feeling telling him "I'm in the right and so the other is wrong", is a result of a false thought and results in an equally false and temporarily feeling of strength. For as soon as yet another interrupting life situation, a setback, a breakup or an accident, etc. shakes the ground of such an individual, this person is startled once more. "Why is this happening? Why does it happen to me!? Why now? …" All the typical reactions of victimhood galore in the mind of the ego-thinker as soon as things don't go the way he wants.

Contrarily to this type of individuals, the people who have already done inner work and have come a long way on their journey have a complete different view of life, of existence, for they know what (rather than who) they really are. They know how to connect to their innate True Power. They don't judge. They don't ridicule others. They don't put anyone down to make themselves feel better, for they are in a balanced centred state of beingness and they know what it means to be stuck in those lower levels of the ego mind patterns. They have been stuck themselves and managed to free themselves with, and some without, the Right Help.

Is the above resonating with you? Do you recognise these types of energy dynamics in your life? Are you experiencing such a situation? Please, know you are not alone at all! Many people are feeling hindered and misunderstood in relationships with others. Whether in a home, in a family or work environment, still unconscious people are present everywhere. They are the people who are still completely stuck in the dual ego-thinking mind patterns. A level of thinking which views everything and everyone in a form of competition, struggle, manipulation, jealousy, fear and aggression. Their feelings regarding their personal image and well-being leave them dangling between a sense of superiority and inferiority. As long as all goes well, they feel strong. At the slightest adversity, they relapse to indignation and seek support from others. Out of uncertainty and ignorance, they attack anything that doesn't show support and therefore isn't understood. These people, too, still have a long way to go.

Are you feeling humiliated, belittled and thus hurt by such individuals? Then know that there is a way to free yourself from these low vibrating energy fields. This path is available to everyone. It's the vertical path, the way inward. During the journey, back to yourself, you will discover where Your True Power lies. You will learn to understand the judgments and reactions of your old self and of the others in the Light of Truth. You will see that all your old reactions, which have caused you so much pain and sorrow, are no longer necessary. You will feel how you heal and grow within. You truly become stronger, from the inside out! That is your True Power and that is where no one can harm you.

Residing in True Power you are stable, safe and strong within yourself!

And as long as you're surrounded by ego-thinkers who don't (yet) take the same path, they will start to label you too as a spiritual floater, but that will not matter to you. You'll even laugh about it. No, you're not laughing at anyone! You laugh and smile with pure Inner Joy because you're proud of yourself, of the insights you have gained. You're proud of your growth and of your evolution. You then realise only too well what a road ahead they still have. You'll smile because you know that you are no longer trapped in the concrete bricked ego-thinking prison. You broke free and cleared your Human Energy Field. You then have rid yourself of those heavy, dirty, toxic energies and you move on with a lighter sense of Being, relieved, cleared and cleansed.

Yes, a spiritual enlightened soul soars through life as if he's in Heaven, and he is! A Heaven on Earth. Because in that live, in that reality - a dimension we ALL manifest ourselves, together! - he walks with his feet on the ground of Mother Earth. Rid of all brick walls and concrete he is Free!