#2 - Understanding the difference

How can we understand the difference between the people?

In a 3D-ego-thinking mind pattern you walk the horizontal path. In a Higher Consciousness you walk the vertical path. Let's look at the + sign, a symbol which literally represents both pathways. Like to call this a cross? Go ahead! All but words. … Ego thought pattern, labels, you choose!

What it's really about…

The horizontal path is a path on the surface of existence. It's the path in which, as long as you don't change direction, you run around in vicious circles, an entire lifetime if you want. It's a path without depth. In other words, you continue to live on the same level of (un)consciousness. For most ego-thinking humans, this is a level of total unconscious thinking, which results in unconscious actions. At this level, people live according to an old thinking and behaviour patterns passed down from generation to generation, for centuries. It's the pattern of duality and the creation of a world in which we view each other as separate individuals. It's a thought process which creates the 3D-ego-world in which we fight, envy, manipulate, corrupt, threaten and cheat. In the higher regions of this ego level, there are individuals who do have more awareness of their actions, but who nevertheless consciously choose to continue to walk this horizontal path. Why? Because they are afraid for they fear change. They choose to continue the routine of the vicious circle and use all kinds of excuses to justify this choice, convincing themselves and others, their life is okay. "I don't really suffer this much. I really don't feel the need to dig deep inside and hurt myself in the process. I'm pretty comfortable as it is."

Whatever explanation, these people are not ready and clearly have no intention of raising or improving their level of consciousness in this lifetime. And that's okay too. Let them! All in due time. Everyone, without any exception, is going towards the vertical path anyway. One day, ready or not, the path will show itself to them too. We all have the choice to walk it of our own free will, or not. But know we will eventually all go there!

The vertical path is the path of depth. It's the path inward. It's the path to greater awareness. Usually this path is taken after a breaking point. This breaking point can be any life situation in which the way forward is completely closed off. After an accident, for example, or an abrupt ending of a relationship, after the loss of a loved one, or an unexpected layoff. It can also be a final breaking point after a debilitating situation or trauma. Whatever the causes, the change of direction to the vertical path is initiated.

On the vertical path, man wants to turn over every stone. Curiosity is highly stimulated and the desire to know more, in turn, stimulates the eagerness to learn. The human being who takes this path voluntarily opens up to all information that flows towards him. All senses sharpened, such a person allows to be taken on a truly magical journey, back to oneself. The adventure can begin, because never before has he allowed knowledge and information to touch his inner core. A stream of energy starts. The power is driven from within and feels somewhat strange and familiar at the same time.

It's bizarre, it's new and yet familiar. What is it? The energy in the essence of your beingness is being reactivated for growth. As long as you walked the horizontal path, you kept your essence numb. You didn't want to move forward, you didn't want to know more, you didn't want to grow, you didn't want to evolve. Out of fear you blocked off every single provocation. Every trigger was expertly rejected and evaded. Now that this fear has been overcome and you allow new information and knowledge in, you start to work with your essence, the Energy Field that you are. A first glimpse of restoring the connection with the Higher Self is a fact. With shivers, or as for some, with a bolt of lightning you feel the restoration of your inner strength. The path is long and can be very hard, but the many magical experiences, which come with every turn to the depths, give you a motivation to proceed. It's the Power of the Light. It's an eager power which pulls you up, far beyond this Earthly existence. The deeper you dig, the higher you reach.

The vertical path is there for everyone. Anyone who walks it of their own free will can enjoy the restored connection with the Higher Self, the Soul. Whoever chooses this connection chooses a life in full consciousness and creates a world full of Love and Harmony, Peace and Joy. Whoever participates in this world sows daily with the quality of the Higher Energy Field and reaps according to that which he contributes.

It's a world full of Love, Harmony, Peace and Joy, for each individual and for the Whole!

A place where I would love to meet you!