#12 Forgiving and moving on

How can one forgive? Whether in silence, or, if one has the strength, out load?

To be able to do so try the following reasoning;

And before we dive into this suggested reasoning, let us remember that the point of living in more awareness is to not think, nor reason. The point of living in more awareness is all about feeling. But because most people aren't there jet, I'm giving you the following thinking process which might help you to reason your way into forgiveness, so you too can move on with your life, burden free!

Try to speak to any individual who has hurt or wronged you in the follow way. Do this in silence or out load in front of a mirror and who knows, you might one day be strong enough to say this to the person's face.

"I forgive you for what you did, for I know you did that which you thought you had to do. Your actions come from the level of your awareness. That is your personal way of thinking. As long as you cannot act in a better and more respectful way, I now realise this is who you truly are. Whether you realise the extent of your deeds, or not, is not my responsibility. My responsibility lies with me and with me alone. Therefore I choose to let you go and I no longer wish to connect with you in any way, shape or form. I wish you all the best as I now choose to say Goodbye!"

"I forgive you for what you said, for I know you said that which you thought you had to say. Your words come from the level of your awareness. That is your personal way of thinking. As long as you cannot speak in a better and more respectful way, I now realise this is who you truly are. Whether you realise the extent of your words, or not, is not my responsibility. My responsibility lies with me and with me alone. Therefore I choose to let you go and I no longer wish to connect with you in any way, shape or form. I wish you all the best as I now choose to say Goodbye!"

Whether you think, text or say this, the main point of this forgiveness exercise is to release your anger, your frustrations and your feelings of being the victim. Now that you choose to take care of yourself, you choose to no longer be a victim. You now see you were but one of the individuals in that particular energy dynamic. If you no longer want to suffer such an individual's energy output it is down to YOU to do the right thing (take the right action) for YOU, and leave such situations.

You can only achieve tranquillity, peace and comfort when you act in the right way for YOURSELF. Recurringly returning to a person, a place or a situation where you feel hurt and/or wronged is asking for more pain and suffering.

You can define the quality of the energy that you allow into your personal energy field. You can build up the strength and learn to do what is right by YOU.

In need of help to grow stronger? Learning about the process will help. You will find a path towards growing more awareness in the books Our True Power and Learn to Realise.

For personal support go to contact or guidance.